NAPCA CARES provides quality care before and after the program from 7:00am to 8:00am and 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Our experienced staff makes your child their first priority and welcomes them into the NAPCA CARES FAMILY. We engage in activities such as homework, crafts, indoor/outdoor recreation, and, most importantly, having fun!
CARES registration is on-going until the program is full. Space fills quickly. Receipt of both the completed registration form and the registration fee is required before use of the program. Once registered, you can use the program full time, part-time, or occasionally both AM and PM.
CARES (Children Are Receiving Extended Services) is governed by the values, policies and procedures of the NAPCA Summer Academy. A high standard of conduct is expected of those enrolled in CARES. Students are expected to respect the staff, each other, as well as the materials and environment provided. (see NAPCA Summer Academy Student & Parent Handbook).
MORNING CARES (Before Program 7:00am - 8:00am)
CARES (Children Are Receiving Extended Services) is governed by the values, policies and procedures of the NAPCA Summer Academy. A high standard of conduct is expected of those enrolled in CARES. Students are expected to respect the staff, each other, as well as the materials and environment provided. (see NAPCA Summer Academy Student & Parent Handbook).
AFTERNOON CARES (After Program 6:00pm - 7:00pm)
Afternoon CARES offers time for homework, a variety of age appropriate play, recreational and creative activities until pick up. Afternoon Pick-up – Parents are asked to remain outside. Staff will assist your child outside or to your car (additional details pending). Parents are responsible for transportation to and from CARES and assume all risk associated with others who may transport your child. If someone other than the parent is picking up, photo identification will be required. A child will be released only to a parent or authorized person listed on registration form. Exceptions will not be made unless written or verbal permission by the parent has been given to CARES. Sign Out – Parents or designated persons for child pick up must sign out the child from the program.
Program Fees and Payments
CARES is entirely self-funded. All accounts must be paid each week in order for CARES service to continue. Program fees will be charged hourly at $10.00 per child. Payment is due at time of pick-up or monthly. Your family sign-out sheet keeps track of your balance and payments. Late payments and returned checks are assessed fees. Alternate payment arrangements can be accommodated.
Registration: $35.00/family, non-refundable
Hourly Rate: $6.50/hour/child
Payments: Checks preferred-payable to NAPCA Foundation
- Due at time of service or end of the week on Friday’s
- All balances must be paid (each week) in order for service to continue.
Late Pick-Up: After 7pm – $5.00/child/every 5 min.
Late Payment Fee: $15.00 if payment not received at the end of each week of service.
Returned Check: Bank fee plus the late payment fee
Snack and drink must be brought from home. There will be no snack sharing. Washable food bags, containers and utensils are permitted. A separate bag for CARES is a good idea. The Cafeteria Services snack cart is available to CARES students and offers snacks for purchase from .25 to $1.00.
Homework time is scheduled Monday – Thursday for students (grades 1-8) to work independently on written assignments. Students are expected to be prepared for and participate in this activity. Students are not allowed to return to classrooms for forgotten materials. Staff is available to assist, but not responsible for checking if work is completed or correct.
To minimize the use of shared materials, it is strongly suggested that each CARES student provide their own supplies for homework, creative and ersonal downtime activities (pencils, erasures, scissors, markers, crayons, glue, books, tech devices, etc.) as well as personal hand sanitizer, mask or other protective gear. CARES is not responsible for any lost items. Please label all personal items and uniform pieces. Cell phones are permitted for emergency use only and are to be kept in backpacks while at CARES. Laptops or other forms of technology are permitted with limited use. We will be outside as much as possible. Make sure your child is dressed and equipped for outdoor recreation.
In all cases of illness or injury, the staff will use their best judgment for the safety and well-being of the child. You will be notified if your child shows signs of illness or injury that may require immediate pick-up. If a serious injury occurs, we follow NAPCA emergency protocol which requires staff to call 911 immediately and notify the parent.
CARES follows all NAPCA emergency procedures. All students and staff will be required to wear masks/shields. Temperature checks, hand ashing/sanitizing, surface, and material cleaning will be done during CARES hours. The doors to all care rooms are locked. Children will be assisted upon entering or leaving CARES to/from parents or authorized individuals, no one will be permitted into the CARES rooms or into the campus.